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Bench Press Roll Of Shame (What It Is & How To Do It!)

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re lifting heavy on the bench press, and suddenly you realize you can’t push the weight back up?

This is where the “Bench Press Roll of Shame” comes into play.

It’s a technique used to safely and effectively get out from under the bar when you’re stuck in a bench press position.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Slowly lower the bar down to your chest as you would during a normal bench press.
  2. Once the bar is resting on your chest, tuck your elbows in and roll the bar down towards your hips.
  3. Use your legs to help you sit up while still holding the bar.
  4. Once you’re in a seated position, gently lower the bar to the ground.

It’s important to note that the Bench Press Roll of Shame should only be used as a last resort, and not as a regular way to finish a set.

It’s always better to have a spotter present to assist you during your bench press workouts.

However, in the event that you do find yourself stuck with no spotter, the Bench Press Roll of Shame can save you from potential injury.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of what the Bench Press Roll of Shame is, let’s move on to some common mistakes people make when attempting to use this technique.

woman doing the bench press roll of shame

Mistakes When Doing The Bench Press Roll of Shame

Doing the Bench Press Roll of Shame incorrectly can be dangerous and lead to injury.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing the bench press roll of shame:

Waiting too long to abort the rep

One of the most common mistakes when performing the bench press roll of shame is waiting too long to realize that you can’t complete the rep.

This often happens when you try to push through a weight that’s too heavy or attempt too many reps.

If you realize you can’t complete the rep, don’t try to push it any further.

Instead, try to safely get out from under the barbell.

Incorrect hand and foot placement

Another common mistake when performing the bench press roll of shame is incorrect hand and foot placement.

Your hands and feet should be placed properly before you start the exercise.

This means that your hands should be positioned on the barbell at the correct width and your feet should be firmly planted on the ground.

If you start the exercise with incorrect hand or foot placement, you may not be able to complete the rep properly and could get stuck under the bar.

Rolling the barbell too quickly

When performing the bench press roll of shame, it’s important to roll the barbell slowly and with control.

If you roll too quickly, you could lose your grip on the barbell or lose control of your body, which could result in injury.

It’s important to keep the movement slow and controlled, even if it takes longer to get out from under the bar.

Not using a spotter

While the bench press roll of shame can be a useful technique to safely get out from under the barbell, it’s always best to have a spotter when performing any exercise.

A spotter can help you lift the weight if you get stuck, or take the weight off your chest if you can’t complete the rep.

Without a spotter, you could get injured if you’re unable to safely get out from under the barbell.

Not practicing the technique

This technique should only be used in an emergency situation, but it’s still important to practice it to ensure you know how to do it properly.

Practicing the technique can help you feel more confident and prepared if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to use it.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can safely and effectively perform the bench press roll of shame when necessary.

Remember to always prioritize safety when working out and never hesitate to ask for help or advice when needed.

How to Avoid The Bench Press Roll of Shame

One of my favorite quotes is:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

This is especially true when it comes to safely doing the bench press.

You ideally want to avoid having to do the bench press roll of shame. And here are some tips to do so:

Start with the right weight

  • Warm-up with lighter weights to prepare your muscles.
  • Choose a weight that’s challenging but manageable for your level.
  • Don’t overestimate your strength and go too heavy too soon.

Use a spotter

  • Have a spotter when you’re lifting heavy weights.
  • Choose someone who’s experienced and knows how to spot properly.
  • Communicate with your spotter and let them know how many reps you’re planning to do.

Improve your form

  • Practice proper form before adding more weight.
  • Keep your back, shoulders, and butt in contact with the bench throughout the lift.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in and avoid flaring them out.

Use safety equipment

  • Use a power rack or a spotter arms if you’re lifting without a spotter.
  • Use collars to secure your weights in place.
  • Consider investing in a safety bar or a bench with safety catches.

Listen to your body

  • Pay attention to how your body feels during the lift.
  • If you feel like you’re losing control of the weight, stop the lift.
  • Don’t let your ego get in the way of your safety.

By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of getting stuck under the bar and avoid the bench press roll of shame.


In conclusion, the bench press roll of shame is a technique that you can use in emergencies when you can’t complete a bench press repetition.

While it’s not ideal, it’s better than being trapped under the bar and risking injury.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to use the roll of shame, remember to stay calm, use a spotter if possible, and always prioritize safety.

By following these tips and understanding the mistakes to avoid, you can perform the bench press with confidence and minimize the risk of injury.

That’s all for this article, but is 275 a good bench press? Or how many people can bench 300?

Hope this helped!
