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Can You Do Biceps And Forearms Together? (Solved!)

Many people have a goal of getting big, bulky arms.

Big arms aren’t just about having bulging biceps and triceps though. Your forearms actually play a huge role in making your arms look ripped.

That being said, many people simply ignore the forearms as an individual muscle group.

Or in other words, they train their biceps and triceps (which can help with forearms), but they don’t actually train their forearms as specific muscles.

So, if you want to get ahead of the average Joe, training your forearms is a great way to do so.

In this article, we discuss whether you can do your bicep and forearm workouts on the same day.

We look at some of the pros and cons of doing them both on the same day as well as considering whether they should be done as 2 separate sessions or even whether you could superset the two muscle groups.

Can You Do Biceps And Forearms Together?

Yes, you definitely can do biceps and forearms together on the same day.

As they’re closely linked muscles (both in terms of location and the exercises they’re worked in), it makes sense that they’d be great to train together on the same day.

You’ll need to be careful that your forearms don’t tire too quickly as they’re used in many bicep exercises, but with the right program in place, training biceps and forearms on the same day can be fantastic for arm development.

Benefits of Training Biceps And Forearms on the Same Day

It Saves Time

Doing biceps and forearms on the same day can save you lots of time when it comes to how often you need to visit the gym each week.

While training each muscle group individually can help you make lots of progress, it usually means you have to train more times in a week.

For example, if you want to train your chest, back, shoulders, legs, biceps, triceps, and forearms on separate days, you’ll need to be going to the gym seven times a week.

You should bear in mind that this doesn’t include any cardio or core work, so that would need to be added in as well.

The point is that, as beneficial as it can be to train each muscle group on its own day, most of us have busy lives outside of the gym so we can’t train every day.

(No matter how much we might want to.)

Combining muscle groups like biceps and forearms into a single day allows you more time out of the gym to focus on the other important aspects of your life.

They Work Together A Lot Anyway

One of the best things about doing biceps and forearms on the same day is that they both work together in many movements anyway.

This makes this pairing very effective as your forearms will be working alongside your biceps in many of bicep-specific exercises.

So when you come to train your forearms, they’ll already have been worked meaning you can overload them even more for maximum muscle growth.

Drawbacks of Training Biceps And Forearms On The Same Day

Muscle Fatigue

Perhaps the biggest drawback of training biceps and forearms on the same day is the increased chance of muscle fatigue impacting your workouts.

If your forearms have already worked hard during some bicep exercises (or vice versa), when it comes to training them later on, they might be too fatigued to perform at their best.

If muscle fatigue is negatively impacting your workouts, you’re unlikely to get all the benefits you could if you were going into the session fresh and fully recovered.

Should You Do Biceps And Forearms On The Same Day? 

If you want to make some serious progress in the size of your arms, you should be training your forearms as often as you train your biceps.

With this in mind, it makes a whole lot of sense to do biceps and forearms on the same day.

By doing this, you’ll be training both muscles equally and as effectively as possible, which can lead to lots of overall arm development in both size and strength.

Should You Do Forearms Before Or After Biceps?

As a general rule, it’s more effective to do biceps before forearms. This is mainly because your forearms assist in a lot of bicep movements.

As you tend to lift slightly heavier weights during your bicep workouts, you’ll want to be as fresh as possible going into those exercises.

If your biceps are fatigued during your forearm exercises, it’s usually less of an issue as less weight is being moved so your biceps don’t necessarily need to be at full strength.

Should You Train Them In The Same Session or 2 Different Sessions?

It can be highly effective and worthwhile to train biceps and forearms in the same session.

As the muscles work so closely with each other, they’ll both be working at the same time during most bicep and forearm exercises anyway.

You can split your biceps and forearms into separate sessions but you’ll likely get more benefits from doing them in a single workout.

(Watch below this epic bicep and forearms workout to build biceps like Arnie!)

Can You Superset Biceps And Forearms?

You can but it might not be the best way of training your biceps and forearms.

In many exercises that target either your biceps or forearms, the other muscle group will be working to some extent too.

If you superset biceps and forearms, you may overtrain one or both of the muscles.

That being said, with the right training program and the appropriate levels of fitness and strength, you may find that supersetting biceps and forearms works very well for you.


In summary:

  • You can do biceps and forearms on the same day with minimal problems.
  • Biceps and forearms can make a great arm superset workout.
  • You should train biceps first if training in this way.

That’s all for this article, but can you do back and abs on the same day? Or should you do back and biceps on the same day?

Hope this helped!
