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Should You Take Mass Gainer On Rest Days? (Solved!)

If you’re wondering whether you should take mass gainer on rest days, then you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, I cover the pros and cons of drinking mass gainer on rest days, who should take it on rest days, and more!

bodybuilding supplements

Should You Take Mass Gainer On Rest Days?

If you’re skinny and want to gain as much weight as possible, then you should take mass gainer on rest days. But if you’re already a healthy weight, then you should only take mass gainer on training days, otherwise you’re more likely to get fat.

Benefits Of Taking Mass Gainer On Rest Days

You’re More Likely To Gain Weight

Pretty much everyone who takes mass gainer does so with the goal of gaining weight.

Now, you need to be in a calorie surplus to gain weight. In simple terms, you need to be consuming more calories than you’re burning.

[Calorie Surplus: Calories In > Calories Out]

So if you take mass gainer on rest days, your overall calorie intake for the week will be higher.

And as a result, you’ll gain MORE weight since you’ll be in a higher calorie surplus.

Drawbacks Of Taking Mass Gainer On Rest Days

You’re More Likely To Gain Fat

It’s a scientific fact that you’ll gain weight if you’re in a calorie surplus.

But what type of weight will you gain?

Well, if you’re in a calorie surplus on training days, then you’ll gain muscle as long your protein intake is sufficient, and you train hard enough.

Whereas if you’re in a calorie surplus on rest days, then you’re more likely to gain fat.


Well, since you’re not working out, your muscles don’t require as many calories. So, any excess calories are stored as fat.

(I know that’s kinda annoying, but it’s an evolutionary trait that prevented us humans from going extinct, so be grateful!)

And this is exactly why mass gainer can make you fat.

It’s More Expensive

In general, most mass gainers are expensive.

In fact, most mass gainer supplements sell for around 40 bucks for a tub, and each tub typically provides 8 servings.

So if you take mass gainer on training days, and you train 4 times a week, then you’ll need to buy 2 tubs of mass gainer per month. This will cost you $80 per month.

Whereas if you take mass gainer on rest days too, then you’ll need to buy 4 tubs of mass gainer per month, which will cost you $160.

For most people, that additional $80 would be better spent elsewhere, such as good quality food.

You’re Unlikely To Gain More Muscle

Unless you have genes like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you’re unlikely to build muscle on rest days.

(Ok… it’s true that your muscles grow when you’re resting, but this is when you’re asleep.)


Well, to gain muscle, you need to give your muscles a solid reason to grow. And the best way to do this is to train your muscles to the point of failure.

So whether or not you take mass gainer on rest days, since you’re not working your muscles, they simply won’t grow.

Who Should Take Mass Gainer On Rest Days?

If you’re a super skinny ectomorph who wants to gain as much weight as possible, as fast as possible, then you should benefit from taking mass gainer on rest days.

(As long as you can afford it of course…)

How Often Should You Take Mass Gainer?

Ultimately, this depends on your current body weight and goals.

If you’re skinny and you want to bulk up, then you may benefit from taking mass gainer every day.

Whereas if you’re average weight and you take mass gainer to maximise muscle growth, then you’re best-off taking mass gainer only on training days.

Someone who is already bulky, however, may benefit from taking mass gainer on leg day, since leg day burns lots of calories.

Is It Safe To Take Mass Gainer Every Day?

Most mass gainers are safe to take every day. But some mass gainers contain vitamins, which you can take too much of. So, before you start taking mass gainer every day, you should always read the product label, and check with your doctor if you’re unsure.

Should You Take Mass Gainer If You Don’t Work Out?

In my opinion, you should only take mass gainer without working out in two instances.

The first instance is if you’re underweight, and you want to gain as much weight as fast as possible.

The second instance is if you want a convenient source of calories, but don’t have the time to make meals.

(For example, if you have a super demanding job.)

Apart from that, you should only take mass gainer if you work out.


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