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Squatting 405 Pounds: Is It Really That Impressive?

Are you wondering if a 405 pound squat is considered good or not?

You’re not alone!

The internet is filled with conflicting opinions on the subject, leaving many lifters scratching their heads and wondering if they’re measuring up.

In this article, we’ll explore what a 405 pound squat means in the world of lifting, whether it’s a good number to strive for, and how to get there.

So, let’s dive in and find out if you’re a squatting superstar or if you’ve got some work to do!

man squatting 405 pounds

What Does 405 Pounds Represent in Squatting?

If you’ve been around the gym long enough, you’ve probably heard someone mention the “405 Club”.

This refers to the impressive feat of squatting 405 pounds for a single repetition (1RM).

But why is this weight so significant?

First, it’s important to understand that the 1RM is the maximum amount of weight that you can lift for a single repetition while maintaining proper form.

It’s considered the gold standard of strength testing and is often used to determine your overall strength.

So, what does 405 pounds represent in terms of squatting ability?

Well, it’s a weight that requires a significant amount of strength, technique, and dedication to achieve.

For many lifters, reaching a 405-pound squat is a major milestone and a testament to their hard work and perseverance.

But it’s worth noting that a 405-pound squat doesn’t necessarily mean that someone’s the strongest squatter in the gym.

There are many factors that come into play, such as body weight, training experience, and genetic predisposition.

Is 405 Pounds a Good Squat for Men and Women?

When it comes to evaluating whether a 405-pound squat is a good lift for men and women, there are several factors to consider.

Let’s take a closer look at each one.


Bodyweight plays a significant role in determining what’s considered a “good” squat for an individual.

Heavier lifters will typically be able to lift more weight than lighter lifters, all else being equal.

Therefore, a 405-pound squat may be considered good for a heavier individual, while a lighter lifter may have a “good” squat at a lower weight.

Training Experience

Training experience also influences what’s considered a good squat.

Someone who’s been training consistently for several years and has developed a solid foundation of strength and technique will generally be able to lift more weight than someone who’s relatively new to lifting.

And so, a 405-pound squat may be considered a good lift for someone with a moderate to high level of training experience, while a beginner may have a “good” squat at less weight.


Your goals will also affect whether a 405-pound squat is a good lift for you.

If you’re primarily interested in powerlifting and want to compete at a high level, then you may consider a 405-pound squat to be a good lift.

Whereas, if you’re simply looking to improve your overall fitness and strength, then a 405-pound squat may not be necessary or even desirable.

For Men

For men, a 405-pound squat is generally considered a respectable lift, especially for those who weigh between 180-220 pounds.

It indicates a solid level of strength and proficiency in the squat exercise.

But as we’ve just covered, it’s important to remember that what’s considered a “good” squat can vary depending on your bodyweight, training experience, and goals.

For Women

For women, a 405-pound squat is more rare and represents an elite level of strength.

It’s worth noting that women typically have lower levels of absolute strength compared to men due to differences in body composition and hormonal profiles.

That said, it’s certainly possible for women to achieve a 405-pound squat with dedicated training and a strong foundation of technique and form.

How To Train For A 405 Pound Squat

If you’re looking to train for a 405-pound squat, there are several steps you can take to improve your strength and technique.

Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal:

Set Specific Goals and Track Progress

Setting specific goals for your squat training is essential for making progress.

Determine what weight you currently squat and what weight you’d like to achieve, and set incremental goals to work towards your ultimate goal of a 405-pound squat.

Keep track of your progress, such as reps and sets completed and weight lifted, to help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Improve Your Technique

Squatting with proper technique is crucial for improving strength and avoiding injury.

Make sure you’re using proper form, including keeping your knees in line with your toes, maintaining a neutral spine, and keeping your chest up.

Consider working with a qualified coach or trainer who can help you identify any form issues and provide feedback on how to improve your technique.

Increase Squat Frequency

To increase your squat strength, you’ll need to squat frequently.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to do heavy squats every day, but adding squat variations to your workouts, such as front squats, box squats, or paused squats, can help improve your overall squat strength.

Incorporate Squat Accessories

Man working out on leg press machine in gym

In addition to squatting, incorporating squat accessories can help improve your squat strength and address any weaknesses or imbalances.

Consider adding exercises such as lunges, leg presses, and Romanian deadlifts to your routine.

Prioritize Recovery

Proper recovery is essential for making progress in your squat training.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and allowing enough time for recovery between workouts.

You should also look at recovery techniques such as foam rolling, stretching, and massage therapy to help reduce soreness and improve mobility.

By following these tips and staying consistent with your training, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a 405-pound squat.

Remember to be patient and persistent, as increasing your squat strength takes time and dedication.

How Many Reps of Squatting 315 to Be Able to Squat 405?

You may be wondering how many reps of squatting 315 pounds it takes to be able to squat 405 pounds.

While there’s no definitive answer, several factors can affect the number of reps required to achieve this goal, including bodyweight, training experience, and technique.

Firstly, it’s important to note that the relationship between squatting 315 and 405 pounds isn’t linear.

As the weight on the bar increases, the difficulty of the lift increases at a much faster rate.

This means that the jump from 315 to 405 pounds is much larger than the jump from 225 to 315 pounds, for example.

That being said, there are some general guidelines that can be used as a starting point.

A commonly cited rule of thumb is that being able to squat 315 pounds for 5 reps means that you have the strength to squat 405 pounds for a single rep.

But, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, and you may need more or less training to achieve this goal.

Other factors that can affect the number of reps required to squat 405 pounds include bodyweight and training experience.

Generally speaking, larger lifters have an easier time squatting heavier weights, while smaller lifters typically need to work harder to achieve the same level of strength.

Also, experienced lifters tend to make faster progress towards their goals, as they’ve already built a solid foundation of strength and technique.


In conclusion, squatting 405 pounds is a significant milestone for many lifters, and achieving it requires dedication, hard work, and smart training.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, reaching this level of strength is a remarkable achievement that can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different, and what may be a good squat for one person may not be for another.

The key is to focus on your own goals, work consistently towards them, and celebrate your progress along the way.

So keep squatting, keep pushing yourself, and remember that with time and effort, anything is possible.

That’s all for this article, but is a 315 squat good?

Hope this helped!
